Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Floating Tea Party

Mr. Bill says that he has heard of floating dice games, but this is the first time he's run across a floating tea party.

I say that sometimes good ideas are not necessarily planned , but just happen!  My little Valentine vignette that lived on my kitchen island made a few rounds in February.  I just popped the bear, the bird, the dog, the valentine cards, and the plate rack into a shopping bag.  Some cookies, some fruit and a few tea bags were tossed in with them and off we went.  The first stop was our daughter Collette and the grand kids in Illinois around Valentines Day and on the 28th we had a "Good-bye to February Tea"  at my daughter Karen's house where she has been under-the-weather and shut in for a while.  I even wore a hat for that one. 

It was so much fun Mr. Bill and I are planning more.  He suggested and 'Ides of March Tea' because we have a bust of Julius Caesar.  However, Mr. Bill is not in favor of togas.  I'm thinking of a 'St. Patrick's Tea'.  We probably will do both.

BTW:  The books on the table are from the Tea Shop Mystery series by Laura Child. 


Collette said...

What a great picture! We all did have a lot of fun with your floating tea party - he kiddos are still talking about your cupcakes and pretty decorations :)

Collette said...

By the way - I am so glad you are back on the blog again! :0)

Karen said...

Hi! Glad you're back! And I'm glad you came by with the floating tea party! The boys - including neighbor boys - enjoyed the cookies :>) You're very gracious.