Friday, February 27, 2015

La Fleur de Fevrier - Violettes

How could I let February pass by without a tribute to its lovely little flower - the humble violet?  That would be impossible since violets are my favorite flower!

So delicate and sweet, they are the perfect decoration tea things.  (For full disclosure, I have mixed in some pansies with my violets - but after all, the are really called Violas.)

The hot chocolate station has become a tea tray.  Much more springlike don't you think?

These beauties deserve a closer look.

Can you believe that these were all gifts - including my 'new modern' teacup that I received on my fiftieth birthday more than 20 years ago!

What could be better than a lot of violets? More violets!

One day one of my daughters pointed out to me that I was a violet person and she was a rose person.  She was right!  So I traded her my rose dessert set for her violet set and I have been very happy since!

This little pitcher, a gift from another daughter, was one of my first violet pieces.

Well, I have more pretty violet things, but I'll save them for next February.
Meanwhile, select some special tea, find a flowered teacup, and join me for teatime!
And above all - THINK SPRING

1 comment:

Birchbright said...

A promise of Spring! The violets are inspiring to hold on to hope for color coming... soon?!... to our frozen tundra. I wonder if there are violets awaiting sunlight under my tamaracks and birch? So many unknowns, soon to be explored!