Monday, March 28, 2011

Mother's Motto

Motto:  A maxim adopted as a guide to one's conduct.

My mother has always had this poem hung above her stove wherever she has lived.  Early on it was on a round plaster plaque that was made to look like wood. 

Motto:  A brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal
 One day it fell and broke.  It wasn't too long before the poem reappeared above the stove inscribed on a ceramic plate. 

Motto:  A sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of it's character or use.
Mom is 88 now and lives in her own home.  The plate continues to hang above the stove.  The most amazing part is that she is still happy working in her kitchen.  She cooks for herself and always has something ready for those who stop by.  At Christmas she bakes cookies and makes packages for friends and neighbors.  Cookbooks are her bedtime reading and her favorite topic of conversation is new recipes to try.

I'm thinking that there is something to this motto business.  Here is the rest of the poem on Mom's plaque:
My Kitchen Prayer

God bless my little kitchen
I love its every nook
And bless me as I do my work
Wash pots and pans and cook.

And may the meals that I prepare
Be seasoned from above
With Thy great blessing and Thy grace
But most of all Thy love.

As we partake our earthly food
The table before us spread
We'll not forget to thank Thee, Lord
Who gives us daily bread.

So bless my little kitchen, Lord
And those who enter in
May they find naught but joy and peace
And happiness therein.


Collette said...

Lol, I remember visiting Grandma as a child and thinking she had the most wonderful kitchen (and food!)ever. What a great poem! Hmmm...this will have to be the next quote for my wall-pics :)

Karen said...

The poem puts it just right. It makes sense that this is your mom's m.o.
Her hospitality has always been an inspiration to me... as in, hmmm, I've got guests coming; what did Grandma cook when we visited?
The boys still talk up her cooking to others; they have friends wanting to come next time we visit. True story.